Research and Development Initiative
Chuo University
Chuo University Research and Development Initiative
1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyou-ku, Tokyo 112-8551 Japan
Tel +81-3-3817-1626
Satoko Watanabe is a Japanese sociologist specializing in management, organizational behavior and the comparative study of economy and society. She has been active for many years in the field of comparative research on human resource management, leadership, motivation, employment relations, intercorporate networks, and corporate governance. She has carried out extensive research on these subjects in the United States, Europe and Asia as well as in Japan. Much of her work takes up the issues of organization at the interface of sociology, economics, and psychology, linking societal and organizational institutions to individual needs and outcomes. She has published a number of books in these areas, including Japanese Management for a Globalized World: The Strength of the Lean, Trusting and Outward-Looking Firm published recently from Palgrave Macmillan.
Her research interests also include social and economic policy, environmental issues and adaptation to climate change. She is engaged in building a new social model for economic sustainability and social integration. The results of her joint research with Anthony Giddens (former professor of Cambridge University, former Director of the London School of Economics and currently a member of the British House of Lords) were published in Nihon no arata na “daisan no michi”: Shijoshugi kaikaku to fukushi kaikaku no doji suishin ([Japan’s New “Third Way”: Promoting Market Reform and Welfare Reform in Tandem].