Unit on Climate Change,Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University


JCM The Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) is a program in which Japan’s contribution to the reduction and removal of greenhouse gas emissions in partner countries through transferring low-carbon technology and products is calculated and evaluated as credits for contribution.
(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan: http://www.meti.go.jp/english/press/2014/0726_01.html)
MRV MRV is a term used to describe all measures which states take to collect data on emissions, mitigation actions and support, to compile this information in reports and inventories, and to subject these to some form of international review or analysis.
(International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV: http://mitigationpartnership.net/measuring-reporting-and-verification-mrv-0)
GHG Inventory Greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories are a type of emission inventory that shows a list of GHG emissions from each source.
Green Development Green development is a concept of land use planning based on community-conscious or environment-friendly developments.
GHG A greenhouse gas (GHG) is a gas in an atmosphere that absorbs and emits infrared radiation.
GOSAT-2 GOSAT-2 is a successor satellite of the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT), an Earth observation satellite of world’s first satellite for greenhouse-gas-monitoring. GOSAT-2 will be launched in 2017, which is expected to observe black carbon and PM2.5.

Greenhouse Gases and Water Cycle Observation Technology Satellite (GOSAT-GW)

The GOSAT-GW is an Earth observation satellite that carries out both the greenhouse gas observation mission, managed by the Ministry of the Environment and the National Institute for Environmental Studies, and the water cycle variation observation mission, handled by JAXA. It is designed to continue the advancements made by the water cycle variation observation mission launched in 2012 with “Shizuku” (GCOM-W), as well as the greenhouse gas observation missions of “IBUKI” (GOSAT) launched in 2009 and “IBUKI-2” (GOSAT-2) launched in 2018. The successor satellite will be equipped with the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 3 (AMSR3) and the third-generation Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite sensor (TANSO-3), developed by JAXA under commission from the Ministry of the Environment.
(Quoted from:JAXA < https://www.satnavi.jaxa.jp/ja/project/gosat-gw/index.html >)

Third-Generation Greenhouse Gas Observing Satellite Sensor (TANSO-3)

As the successor sensor to TANSO-FTS-2 mounted on “IBUKI-2,” TANSO-3 adopts a diffraction grating spectrometry method instead of the Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) method used in TANSO-FTS-2. This new method enables more detailed spatial observations of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Additionally, TANSO-3 introduces the observation of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) for the first time.
(Quoted from:JAXA < https://www.satnavi.jaxa.jp/ja/project/gosat-gw/index.html >)

Dzud (Zud) Dzud is a Mongolian term on extreme weather such as heavy snow and extreme coldness, which causes serious loss of livestock.
Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change Adaptation means anticipating the adverse effects of climate change and taking appropriate action to prevent or minimise the damage they can cause, or taking advantage of opportunities that may arise.
(EU, http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/adaptation/index_en.htm)
Mitigation, reducing climate change, involves reducing the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, either by reducing sources of these gases (for example, the burning of fossil fuels for electricity, heat or transport) or enhancing the “sinks” that accumulate and store these gases (such as the oceans, forests and soil).
(NASA, http://climate.nasa.gov/solutions/adaptation-mitigation/)
Normadic Pastralism Nomadic pastoralism is a form of pastoralism where nomadic herders graze livestock to find fresh pastures and waters.
REDD REDD (Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) is a mechanism with the objective of mitigating climate change through reducing net emissions of greenhouse gases through enhanced forest management in developing countries, which has been under negotiation by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) since 2005.
REDD+ is a climate change mitigation solution that many initiatives, including the UN-REDD Programme, are currently developing and supporting.
(UN-REDD, http://www.un-redd.org/aboutredd)
Global Stocktake(GST) The GST is a mechanism under the Paris Agreement for periodically reviewing the global progress towards the Agreement’s goals and long-term objectives. It serves to provide information that encourages countries to enhance their efforts. The first GST is scheduled for 2023, with subsequent assessments every five years.
(Quoted from the Ministry of the Environment < https://www.env.go.jp/press/04%20shiryo.pdf >)
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC) Adopted in 1992, the UNFCCC is a treaty aimed at stabilizing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases to prevent anthropogenic interference with the climate system. It serves as the framework for international efforts to address climate change, with 197 countries and regions participating. The Kyoto Protocol, which set the framework until 2020, and the Paris Agreement, which sets the framework beyond 2020, are specific frameworks established to achieve the objectives of this treaty.
(Quoted from the Ministry of the Environment < https://www.env.go.jp/earth/copcmpcma.html >)
(Quoted from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry < https://www.enecho.meti.go.jp/about/special/johoteikyo/cop26_01.html >)
Biennial Transparency Report(BTR) Under the transparency framework of the Paris Agreement, BTRs must be submitted every two years. They include 1) national inventory reports of greenhouse gas emissions and absorptions, 2) progress in implementing and achieving NDCs under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, 3) provision of support for finance, technology transfer, and capacity building (by developed countries and other supporting countries only), and 4) receipt and needs of support for finance, technology transfer, and capacity building (by developing countries only).
(Quoted from the Ministry of the Environment< https://www.env.go.jp/content/900512875.pdf >)
Biennial Update Report (BUR) BURs are reports that developing countries party to the UNFCCC must submit every two years to the Conference of the Parties (COP) under the UNFCCC.
(Quoted from the National Institute for Environmental Studies < https://www.cger.nies.go.jp/cgernews/201309/274004.html >)
EDGAR(Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research) EDGAR is a database of global atmospheric research emissions provided by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC). It compiles detailed emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants from fossil fuel use and industrial activities on a global scale. The data is widely used for research on climate change and air quality, policy making, and model simulations.
(Reference: Monforti Ferrario, Fabio; Crippa, Monica; Guizzardi, Diego; Muntean, Marilena; Schaaf, Edwin; Lo Vullo, Eleonora; Solazzo, Efisio; Olivier, Jos; Vignati, Elisabetta (2021): EDGAR v6.0 Greenhouse Gas Emissions. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID: http://data.europa.eu/89h/97a67d67-c62e-4826-b873-9d972c4f670b
Transport Model A transport model simulates the movement of substances in the atmosphere, such as wind, on a computer or refers to the program that performs such simulations.
(Quoted from the Japan Meteorological Agency < https://www.data.jma.go.jp/ghg/kanshi/term_ghg.html >)
Regional Chemical Transport Model (WRF-Chem) WRF-Chem is one of the atmospheric chemical transport models that can simulate atmospheric chemistry reactions and meteorological elements like wind direction, wind speed, temperature, and humidity simultaneously. Provided by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), this model is used for air quality and climate change research and forecasting. WRF-Chem predicts the movement and changes of chemical components in the atmosphere in real-time, making it a widely used simulator for forecasting air pollution and policy formulation. In this unit, the WRF-Chem model is used to construct a greenhouse gas atmospheric transport model.
(Reference: Grell, G. A., et al. (2005). Fully coupled “online” chemistry within the WRF model. Atmospheric Environment, 39(37), 6957-6975.)
Total Carbon Column Observing Network(TCCON) TCCON is an international network of high-resolution Fourier Transform Spectrometers (FTS) measuring column amounts of carbon dioxide, methane, and other trace gases in the Earth’s atmosphere. It serves as a “verification standard” for satellite observations of greenhouse gases like Japan’s Ibuki.
(Quoted from JAXA< https://www.jaxa.jp/press/2014/03/20140327_ibuki_j.html >)
(Quoted from the National Institute for Environmental Studies < https://www.nies.go.jp/kanko/kankyogi/69/column4.html >)
National Institute for Environmental Studies(NIES) NIES is Japan’s core research institute dealing with a wide range of environmental issues from global to local levels. Its high-level researchers in a broad spectrum of fields conduct comprehensive research from basic to applied, aiming at policy contribution and social implementation.
(Quoted from the National Institute for Environmental Studies < https://www.nies.go.jp/gaiyo/qanda.html >)
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA) Positioned as the core implementation agency supporting overall governmental space development and utilization through technology, JAXA conducts everything from basic research to development and utilization in this field.
(Quoted from JAXA < https://www.jaxa.jp/about/jaxa/index_j.html >)
Green’s Function A function that appears in the Green’s function method for solving differential or partial differential equations, named after the British mathematician George Green. It is a very important function in physics, mathematics, and engineering, used in a wide range of applications.
Forward and Inverse Analysis In forward analysis, an original value (design variable, such as shape data) is input into a simulation, and through numerous calculations, a result (performance) is obtained. Inverse analysis, on the other hand, works backward from the result value, step by step, to determine what the original design variables should be.
(Quoted from the University of Tokyo < http://www.ysklab.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/research.html >)