- Vulnerability of Pastoral Social-Ecological Systems in Ongi, Tuin, and Baidrag River Basins in the Southern Khangai Mountains.
- Author: Chuluun, T.
- GHG Inventory and Observation of GHG by GOSAT.
- Author: Futami, M.
- Development of Freezer System Driven by Renewable Energy.
- Author: Kashida, K.
- JCM and MRV Methodology,” Adaptation for Climate Change and Green Development in Mongolia.
- Author: Miki, Y.
- GWR Modeling for Zud Impact on Livestock.
- Author: Oba, A.
- GHG Inventory and Observation of GHG by GOSAT.
- Author: Tabata, T.
- Computable General Equilibrium Model for Economical Evaluation of Zud Event.
- Author: Takeda, S and M. Watanabe
- Planning and Building the Adaptive Network for the Production and Distribution of Livestock and Meat in Mongolia.
- Author: Yan, W.